Inspiration Through Music: Philip Glass

Philip Glass is one of the few composers who creates music with such flawlessness and beauty that I find it hard to come up with the worthy words to describe it. I was introduced to his work through the film, “The Illusionist” which is also among my top ten favorite movies. The way he made the music weave seamlessly in and out of the film, made it inherit the magic and the romance between the characters blew me away.

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Crazy Week of Events!

Good morning, readers!

Just a quick announcement of some events happening this week!

First, Saturday night March 3rd, I’ll be returning to the wonderful Slainte Wine Bar and Lounge in Portland. I’ll be reading a selection from my upcoming book, Aequitas as well as a selection from one of my other works (I haven’t decided which yet.) I’ll also have the pleasure of reading with some fantastic emerging writers. E.J. Fechenda and Kate Cone, who I did the first reading with, will be there, as well as Nicole Johnson and Marie Coyle. It should be a fun evening for all and I’m glad to be involved once more. Here is the Facebook event if any of you would like to come!


Second, the following Tuesday evening, March 6th, I will be at Vose Library in Union, ME, to discuss my work, read from Vox and Aequitas, and have a grand ole book-signing for Vox. I’ll be talking about how I got started on the Monstrum Chronicles, future projects, and will answer any questions that anyone may have about them. This starts at 7 and goes until 8:30. There will be refreshments available (tea and cookies!). Here is the facebook event for that:


In other updates: I am 75 pages away from finishing the edits on Aequitas! Very very excited. I’ve worked on it almost everyday for the past week and it’s felt amazing to just have the time to do it again. I miss being able to write uninterrupted!

I finished reading Catching Fire on Saturday night and am now reading the last book of The Hunger Games trilogy, Mockingjay. This series has me hooked! When I’ve finished reading the third book, I’ll post a mega review for all of them. I, however, will not be writing one for Anthony Bourdain’s Medium Raw.

Well, I believe that’s everything! Stay tuned for my Inspiration Through Music post this evening where I’ll be discussing the works of Philip Glass.
